Friday, December 21, 2012

Workingout - Phase One - Month 2

Season Greetings to Everyone!


I am now at the end of Month 2 (plus 10 days ) and feeling great about my workout routine and early morning schedule. Since beginning this monthly varied routine, I have added a sum total of 18 pounds (much of which is muscle) from my pre-workout start of 172. So - my weight as of today (12/21) is 190 lbs. and I am quite proud of this milestone.

Also, I have added the weight without increasing my waist size (32 inch waist) which is important to me since I had bought a great Hicky Freeman business suit when I was at 180 LBS and still want to wear as long as possible to maximize that investment.

With this being the holiday season, and with temptations abounding, I wanted to talk a bit about what has been tempting me.... and offer it up into the blogosphere as to what others might be dealing with.

  • So - the drum roll please...

  • I have found my main temptations this season were more so from dairy and meat then from sweets of all things! In retrospect, I would have thought sweets were at the top of the list of "bad foods" for everyone, me included, during this time of year??

  • I thinking about this further, my personal indulgences; Beef and Chicken, Creams and Cheeses and oils (that is as in cooking with vegetables) had to do more with family, gatherings with friends and having a communal experience that everyone enjoys. On our own (Mark and me) we enjoy the Vegan approach during the week  with some occasional fish and eggs entrees on the weekend.  But hey, we love our friends and family and are happy to live in the moments with them!
Me at 190 lbs - 71 days into new workout routine

As an aside - since this is the first Christmas without my Dad (George Curran) I wanted to post a picture of him here. He passed at the end of  July 2012 after a 4 week battle with pancreatic cancer.

When I workout every morning I often think of him working out daily too, and use his remembrance as a personal aspiration for me to live in the moment, go for what you want and grasp concepts around how quickly everything can be taken away at a moments notice.  

  • He was 78 and "never sick a day in his life" before noticing something unusual shortly before Father's day 2012.

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